Since 1957, LifeCity @ Glenfair has been reaching our community with the Love of Christ.
Based in the heart of East Portland, LifeCity is committed to loving the lost into the Family of God; experiencing His goodness, embodying His character, and expressing His love in our city. As a Gospel-centered people, we are compelled to be a help and a resource to the broken and hurting in our community; following Jesus and building relationships and community shaped by the Gospel.

LifeCity believes that each person has been chosen by Jesus to know Him and be led by Him. We believe that Jesus acts upon each individual, not just when they get saved, but during every season of their lives. Jesus is the Great Initiator – He moves upon us and chooses us before we have the ability to choose Him. He has saved us ; is saving us, and will save us.
His goodness is what we experience. That goodness may not always feel good or match our personal views of what is good, but it is a reality that we find to be an expression of love. As it says, “In all things God works for the good of those that love Him.” And though He “disciplines us for our good,” it is so we may share in His holiness and in the abundances of His righteousness, peace and joy (ref. Romans 8:28, Hebrews 12:4-11, John 15:11, Romans 14:17). So God is constantly working good for us because He is for us and loves us.
His goodness is what we experience. That goodness may not always feel good or match our personal views of what is good, but it is a reality that we find to be an expression of love. As it says, “In all things God works for the good of those that love Him.” And though He “disciplines us for our good,” it is so we may share in His holiness and in the abundances of His righteousness, peace and joy (ref. Romans 8:28, Hebrews 12:4-11, John 15:11, Romans 14:17). So God is constantly working good for us because He is for us and loves us.
Everyone who experienced Jesus had the opportunity to change – whether they were healed from a disease, delivered from a demon, called to follow Him, or rebuked and corrected. With an experience of Jesus always came an opportunity to change. As the disciples journeyed with Jesus, they were called to take up their cross and follow Him – forsaking their old way of living, thinking, feeling, and relating to world for Jesus’s way. Eleven of them, we know from history and the gospels, came to represent or embody their Master and one of them (Judas) didn’t.
LifeCity believes that each of us is called to not only internalize our experience of God but to be changed by it – to be transformed. This, in its nature, is a confronting process. Saying, the old you is dead and has to die, and the new you must be put on or stepped into (ref. Ephesians 4:24, Colossians 3:10). The process of embodying the God that’s meeting us is why we need each. Each of us stands as a testament to God, a testifier of His goodness, and an expression of His love. As we journey with one another towards God, we fight for the process each person is in to see God received, represented and expressed.
LifeCity believes that each of us is called to not only internalize our experience of God but to be changed by it – to be transformed. This, in its nature, is a confronting process. Saying, the old you is dead and has to die, and the new you must be put on or stepped into (ref. Ephesians 4:24, Colossians 3:10). The process of embodying the God that’s meeting us is why we need each. Each of us stands as a testament to God, a testifier of His goodness, and an expression of His love. As we journey with one another towards God, we fight for the process each person is in to see God received, represented and expressed.

People naturally and freely expresses what they love, and what they experience and believe in their heart. As we journey through the transformation process we recognize that things get messy – old hurts, disappointments, fears, and doubts arise and need a safe place to be acknowledged and processed. As representatives of Jesus, we try and honor each person by hearing them and creating a safe place for God to come in and touch and inhabit. As we express our love, we believe it gives others the chance to receive God’s love.
What we are to each other inwardly, we also express outwardly – both within our church family and beyond. As we have experienced God’s love, we share His love. As we have been changed, we testify. As we have been challenged and helped, we challenge and help. We do this with great faith and vigor knowing that the God that has met us is with us and reside in us, and desires to be known by others.
What we are to each other inwardly, we also express outwardly – both within our church family and beyond. As we have experienced God’s love, we share His love. As we have been changed, we testify. As we have been challenged and helped, we challenge and help. We do this with great faith and vigor knowing that the God that has met us is with us and reside in us, and desires to be known by others.
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Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.